Thursday, June 25, 2009


I just wanted to say, from the deepest part of my heart--thank you, thank you so very much. On a day when I needed a friendly ear I found hundreds, and every comment, every story, every piece of advice helped quell my troubled soul. Its amazing how we humans can come together, all races, all backgrounds, and give love and support to people we dont know. I mean, you dont really know me. I opened up a little piece of my world and you all accepted it with compassion, understanding and empathy. And for those of you that shared similar personal stories, again thank you, they did not fall on deaf ears. 

To end on a not so emotional note: balls.


  1. LOL - you said balls.

    *Bevis and Butthead laugh*

    I'm glad you found the comfort you need. The blogosphere is great for that. You'll find friends you never knew you had.

  2. Lol. I was feeling all warm and fuzzy and then you had to say "balls" and make me laugh. Good thing comedy is what you do best! ;)

  3. I recently made a very simple change in my lifestyle...Instead of throwing my hands up in defeat, I am going to throw my arms around someone and hug them.
    A simple but profound lesson.

    And for a little levity: "Fart" always good for a laugh.

  4. I think this blog is gonna be one of the bests

  5. glad everyones comments helped you out, was nice to see some human compassion coming alive!

  6. You're a far braver person than I for sharing your emotions and fears with the whole world. Kudos! I mean... balls!

  7. aunque pareciera que cada uno de nosotros sólo piensa en si mismo, todos somos humanos y tenemos sentimiento, cosa que nunca va a dejar de ser
    agradesco tu blog, espero que logres entenderme

  8. I not only admire your work but I do also admire You as a person now. =) You are really a great person.

  9. There are more kind souls then we often realize. We are usually so overwhemed by nastyness and selfishness that rule the major part of our lives that we are suprized to find that others do feel, think, and cry just as we do. Laughter is at times the only weapon we have. You've always brought a smile to my face during my own sadness. And for that my gratitude is to you...

  10. Your profile says occasional musician! that is something you should definately share with the world!
