Sunday, July 12, 2009


Its been a little while and I havent written... sorry the world seems to have gotten away from me. Sometimes a little time alone helps clear the mind, body and soul...

I promise to write very soon.

Do me a favor: Hug someone today.


  1. That's a most enjoyable time when the world gets away from you. Like getting lost in a moment or a song or a child's laughter.

  2. me encantaria tener un momento así, hoy mi vida está muy acelerada.
    esperamos que escribas pronto, es muy entretenido tu blog

  3. I hugged someone today... unfortunately I really needed a hug today without being the hugger... :-P

  4. I shall gladly hug several somebodies today. And here is a long distance one from Toronto to you (((((((((((((((*HUGS*))))))))))))))))

  5. I imagine it takes awhile to shift from one world to another - and that it goes far deeper than merely adjusting the body to the timezone. Take your time, be well, and we'll be here when you come back *hug*

  6. Of course! HUGS for everyone!! And one special for you

  7. Dont worry, it happens to me with my blog ;)

  8. I completely understand. I hope everything is alright. If things got away from you because of something bad then that is no good and if the world got away from you because of something good then my point is moot. hehe

  9. Hugs for you!!! Hope to read you soon on msn if you want to

  10. I will hug several people today. But I am sending one to you across the miles.

  11. I hope you're feeling better and that you receive some real hugs too, and not only the "virtual" ones...

    I'll be here to read if you decide to post anything new, and giving you all my support...

    A big bear hug for you, and lots of kisses too jaja... luv'ya! :p

  12. Lose yourself in all the things that you love, Kunal, especially prayer! All my love, hugs and kisses are with you! MWAH!

  13. Kunal, you need to know you're the most adorable character from ANY TV-show ever. Keep up the great work!xxx

  14. Kunal, Thanks for the heads up on my stevia.
    You were kind to point out something that I obviously missed. Have a great day.
